Paretopodden: Olje i 2023 og tre spennende oljeselskaper
Oljemarkedet og tre aksjecase på Oslo Børs er temaene når aksjemegler Sebastian Baartvedt snakker med energianalytikerne Nadia Martin Wiggen og Tom Erik Kristiansen i vår todelte oljeepisode av Paretopodden.
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Pareto Securities
Vi sparker i gang podcast-året med en todelt oljeepisode før vår årlige E&P Independents-konferanse i London 18. januar 2023.
I del én snakker aksjemegler og programleder Sebastian Baartvedt med vår energianalytiker Nadia Martin Wiggen om de viktigste driverne for oljeprisen fremover, og hvilke nedside- og oppsiderisikoer vi ser. Episoden er på engelsk.
Analysedekning innen E&P og energi
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Se våre nettsider for mer informasjon og full disclaimer.
This material has been produced by Pareto Securities for general guidance and information purposes only and shall be seen as marketing material. The information provided should not be considered professional advice and is under no circumstances intended to be used or considered as financial or investment advice, a recommendation or an offer to sell, or a solicitation of any offer to buy any securities or other form of financial asset.
The information should not be considered investment research and is consequently not prepared in accordance with the regulation regarding investment analysis. Furthermore, the information is not indented to be regarded as legal, financial, commercial, tax or accounting advice.
The information provided in the material is obtained from public sources which Pareto Securities considers reliable. However, the information has not been independently verified, and Pareto makes no guarantee as to its accuracy or completeness. We have taken reasonable care to ensure that, to the best of our knowledge, material information contained herein is in accordance with the facts and contains no omissions likely to affect its understanding. Please note that we make no assurance that the underlying forward-looking statements are free from errors. The material reflects Pareto Securities’ assessment at the time of production and may change without further notice. Pareto do not intend, and do not assume any obligation to update or correct the information included in the material.
Pareto Securities AS is subject to supervision by the Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway, and member of the Norwegian Securities Dealers Association. Pareto Securities AB is subject to the supervision by the Financial Supervisory Authority of Sweden.
Please see our website for more information and full disclaimer.
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